Mária Pomffyová
01 Poprad, Slovakia
Mária Rostašová
010 06 Žilina, Slovakia
Vladimír Krajčík
4th International Scientific – Business Conference LIMEN 2018 – Leadership & Management: Integrated Politics of Research and Innovations, Belgrade – Serbia, December 13, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Engineering Management – Belgrade, Serbia; Modern Business School – Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Business and Management Sciences – Novo Mesto, Slovenia; Faculty of Business Management and Informatics – Novo Mesto, Slovenia; Business Academy Smilevski – BAS, Skopje, Macedonia; BAS Institute of Management, Bitola, Macedonia, ISBN 978-86-80194-15-8
recommends them to others. Achieving a high level of satisfaction is not easy, as he is often
well-informed, is awaiting something new, looking for new experiences and ways of accessing
it, and prefers their easy availability, often on demand. The way how to improve its level of
satisfaction lie in exploiting the innovation potential that creates the basic assumptions for the
sharing economy. That economy does not create a new market or new customer; its aim is to
offer services in other ways or in a new form with the aim of satisfying as widely as possible
the various demands of customers. According to the fact that especially young people prefer to
use new ways of acquiring their experiences or to change their forms of availability, the use of
technologies and IoE takes your place in these processes. The obstacle in this process is the
need to rapidly develop smart solutions or devices that meet the broad customer requirements.
In this process, spin-off and start-up companies, supported by university centers, have a great
potential as they directly support the transfer of the latest technology into practice.
Summarizing the best practice solutions, we should eliminate barriers to successful spin-offs
and start-ups as well as SME business doing in competitive practice. Using the model of sharing
economy, the effectiveness of such economics will be researched. Using the survey method, we
will evaluate the views of 189 managers of Slovak SMEs and 26 managers of IT companies
related to the enhancing the use of innovation opportunities and IT potential in practice.
Comparing our research results with the results of similar research activities in the EU, we try
to identify the barriers that prevent them from exploiting their potential using the statistical
methods and validation tools that are part of the SPSS program. Based on the analysis and
synthesis of research outputs, we summarize the recommendations how to improve customer
satisfaction with ways of sharing goods using the latest technology and related platforms.
innovation, platform B2B
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Pomffyová_Rostašová_Krajčík_THE ROLE OF IT IN SHARING ECONOMY_pp_73-87