Marcin Lipowski
DOI:Β https://doi.org/10.31410/limen.2018.433
4th International Scientific β Business Conference LIMEN 2018 β Leadership & Management: Integrated Politics of Research and Innovations, Belgrade β Serbia, December 13, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Engineering Management β Belgrade, Serbia; Modern Business School β Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Business and Management Sciences β Novo Mesto, Slovenia; Faculty of Business Management and Informatics β Novo Mesto, Slovenia; Business Academy Smilevski β BAS, Skopje, Macedonia; BAS Institute of Management, Bitola, Macedonia, ISBN 978-86-80194-15-8
channel during purchase process. The change in the sales channel has been defined as a change
in the original plans for the place of purchase of the product under the influence of external
factors. Author tests different factors that influence customer behavior: marketing activities of
companies, different product price, positive WOM, personal factors – e.g. time pressure,
company error – e.g. system failure. The conclusions from the quantitative research allow
author to indicate some practical tips for companies that redirect consumers to remote
purchase channels. In the article data from the questionnaire survey have been used (research
sample 1103).
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