AycanΒ HepsagΒ registered with the Department of Econometrics at Istanbul University in 2001. His graduation from this department was in 2005. Then he became a research fellow in the same department in the same year. Then he completed the master of art degree and the Ph.D. degree in 2007 and 2013, respectively. He continued his academic life in the same department at Istanbul University. He has taught lectures on applied econometrics, financial econometrics, and quantitative economics. He has one book and numerous national and international articles about econometrics, financial econometrics, and economics. He has been working as a referee in Current Issues in Tourism, Economics Bulletin, Anatolia, Journal of Social Security, and Annals of Tourism Research. In 2019, one new unit root test and one new cointegration test proposed by him have been published in the journal βCommunications in Statistics: Simulation and Computationβ. He has been working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Econometrics at Istanbul University.