Francesca Gennari – Department of Economics and Management, University of Brescia, C.da S.Chiara 50, 25121 Brescia, Italy

Circular economy;
Strategic risk;
Risk management;
Stakeholder relations;



The debate about the criticalities of the traditional linear econoΒ­my-based business model is leading to a more sustainable way of production and consumption which is the circular economy (CE), defined as an econoΒ­my capable of regenerating itself. However, there is an area of concern relatΒ­ed to the risks arising from the changes that CE requires in processes, organΒ­ization, governance, and relations within the supply chain and with stakeΒ­holders. This paper focuses on the main risk areas firms should manage for a successful strategic transition to CE, suggesting a conceptual framework for CE risk identification according to a strategic-based approach.

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LIMEN Conference

8th International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2022 – Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – SELECTED PAPERS, Hybrid (EXE Budapest Center, Budapest, Hungary), December 1, 2022,

LIMEN Selected papers published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia

LIMEN Conference 2022 Selected papers: ISBN 978-86-80194-67-7, ISSN 2683-6149, DOI:

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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β SuggestedΒ citation

Gennari, F. (2022). Managing Circular Economy with a Strategic-Risk Approach. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2022: Vol 8. Selected papers (pp. 11-17). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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