After completing her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Economics in Dokuz Eylul University, she completed her Master’s degree (2006) in Marketing and PhD degree (2011) in Business Administration at Dokuz Eylul University. She started her academic career as a Research Assistant in the Department of Business Administration in Yasar University in 2004, and continued her academic career as a Lecturer and Head of Program in the Marketing Program of Yasar University in 2007. She was assigned to the Foreign Trade Program as a Doctor Lecturer (PhD) and Head of Program in 2011. She was appointed to the Assistant Professor of Marketing at Yasar University in the Department of Business Administration in 2012. She took her Associate Professor degree in Marketing in 2017. She has been working as a full-time academician at the Faculty of Business, Department of Business Administration at Yaลar University. Her main research areas are customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, CRM, services marketing, green marketing, sustainability, retailing, and digital marketing.