Orlando Gomes – Lisbon Accounting and Business School โ€“ Lisbon Polytechnic Institute (ISCAL-IPL) and CEFAGE research center (ร‰vora University – ISCAL). ISCAL, Av. Miguel Bombarda, 20, 1069-035 Lisboa, Portugal

Global risks;
Growth theory;
Endogenous growth;
Perfect storms

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/LIMEN.S.P.2022.1


Although global risks may be sorted into different categories โ€“ economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological โ€“ they are strongly intertwined and they tend to reinforce one another, easily transforming a localized problem into a perfect storm capable of deeply afยญfecting all economic sectors and all aspects of peopleโ€™s lives. This short esยญsay undertakes a systematic and integrated discussion of global risks in the context of economic growth theory. A standard endogenous growth (SEG) model is adapted and reconfigured into a global risk endogenous growth (GREG) model.

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LIMEN Conference

8th International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2022 – Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – SELECTED PAPERS, Hybrid (EXE Budapest Center, Budapest, Hungary), December 1, 2022,

LIMEN Selected papers published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia

LIMEN Conference 2022 Selected papers: ISBN 978-86-80194-67-7, ISSN 2683-6149, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/LIMEN.S.P.2022

Creative Commons Nonย Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission.ย 

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย Suggestedย citation

Gomes, O. (2022). Global Risks and the Theory of Economic Growth. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2022: Vol 8. Selected papers (p. 1-9). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans. https://doi.org/10.31410/LIMEN.S.P.2022.1


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