Nejla Peka – Head of Department of the Public Law, βLuarasiβ University, Tirana, Albania
Right to education;
Access to education;
Ministry of Education;
Digital platforms;
Online education;
Infrastructural and financial
Covid-19 came as a challenge in human being life. After the anΒnouncement of the state of the world pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the World Health Organization, the government reacted to this situation, underΒtaking a series of measures considering the general interruption of social and economic activities such as closing schools, the prohibition of mass gatherings in closed or open places, the restriction or prohibition of other movements inΒside and outside the country, which brought the country into total quarantine for about three months. Among other things, the government also presented an action plan for the prevention and response to Covid-19 in May 2020, which provided three pillars of action: prevention, response, and recovery, to continue providing health services to the entire population. While the government’s reΒsponse has necessarily been swift in terms of protecting health and guaranteeΒing the right to life, the pandemic situation brought a new challenge, in terms of children’s well-being and the effective exercise of their rights, especially in the most vulnerable children. In the situation of the global pandemic, internationΒal institutions have addressed a series of recommendations and statements for the protection and guarantee of the rights of children and their families.
In April 2020, ENOC 2 calls on governments, the European Commission and the Council of Europe to take all appropriate actions to ensure that the rights of all children are guaranteed in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children’s rights and, the comments of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, should be respected during the Covid-19 health care crisis.

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LIMEN Conference
8th International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2022 – Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Hybrid (EXE Budapest Center, Budapest, Hungary), December 1, 2022,
LIMEN Conference proceedings published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia
LIMEN Conference 2022 Conference proceedings: ISBN 978-86-80194-66-0, ISSN 2683-6149, DOI:Β
Creative Commons NonΒ Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission.Β
Suggested citation
Peka, N. (2022). Guarantee of the Right to Online Education in Exceptional Situations: Case Study of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific-Business Conference β LIMEN 2022: Vol 8. Conference proceedingsΒ (pp. 371-376). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.Β
Avokati i Popullit. (2022), The special report of the People Advocate Institution “On the violaΒtion of the rights of the child during the Covid-19 situation”, drafted with support of the Save the Children in Albania,Β
Convention on the Rights of the Child, United Nations (1989). the%20Rights,children%20into%20one%20single%20documentΒ Β
Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 540, dated 19.09.2018, “On the organization and funcΒtioning of the School of Directors of pre-university education institutions and the method of their training and certification” (2018).
Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 98, dated 27.02.2019, “On the establishment, organiΒzation and functioning of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university Education (ASCAP)” (2019).
Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 99, dated 27.02.2019, “On the creation, organization and operation of the General Directorate of Pre-university Education” (2019).
Instruction no. 13, dated 22.05.2019 of the Minister of Education, Sport and Youth, “On the proΒcedures for accepting and appointing a teacher to a vacant position in public educational institutions of preliminary education and for the administration of the portal “Teachers for Albania”, amended. (2019).
Instruction no. 25, dated 25.07.2018. of the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth “On the esΒtablishment and functioning of the board of the educational institution” (2018).
Instruction no. 543/1 dated 21.8.2020 of the Minister of Health and Social Protection: “On care and anti-covid-19 measures in pre-university educational structuresβ (2020).
Law no. 15/2017: βOn Vocational Education and Training in the Republic of Albaniaβ (2017).
Law no. 18/2017: βOn the Rights and protection of childrenβ (2017).
Law no. 69/2012: βOn the pre-university education system in the Republic of Albaniaβ, amendΒed in 2015 and 2018 (2012).
Law no. 8454, dated 4.2.1999. βOn the Peopleβs Advocate Institutionβ, amended (1999).
Synthetic Report of the People Advocate Institution, for access to the right of education during the pandemic situation (2021, November).
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, United Nations (1948). en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights#:~:text=Article%2026,on%20the%20 basis%20of%20merit.
Additional reading
Law No. 121/2016: βOn the social care service in the Republic of Albaniaβ (2016).
Directive no. 10, dated 25.2.2015, βOn the ways, forms of cooperation and intervention proceΒdures to assist children at risk for the main institutions and structures responsible for child protectionβ co-nomination of four ministers, according to state responsibility areas (2015).
Decision no. 573, dated 24.6.2015, of Council of Ministers, βOn adopting standards of the serΒvices of child protection unitsβ (2015).
Decision no. 91, dated 14.2.2018, of Council of Ministers, βOn the procedures of carrying out inspection and emplacing sanctions from the State Agency on the Child Rights and ProΒtectionβ (2018).
Decision no. 148, dated 13.3.2018, of Council of Ministers, βOn establishing rules of cooperaΒtion among the institutional mechanisms, structures for the protection of children at the loΒcal level and non-profitable organizations to execute national and local policies as well as for the necessary services on child protectionβ (2018).
Decision no. 353, dated 12.6.2018, of Council of Ministers, βOn rules of the functioning of the cross-sectional technical group for the protection of children in the municipality and adΒministrative units” (2018).