Radka Vaníčková
Management, Okružní 517/10, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
4th International Scientific – Business Conference LIMEN 2018 – Leadership & Management: Integrated Politics of Research and Innovations, Belgrade – Serbia, December 13, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Engineering Management – Belgrade, Serbia; Modern Business School – Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Business and Management Sciences – Novo Mesto, Slovenia; Faculty of Business Management and Informatics – Novo Mesto, Slovenia; Business Academy Smilevski – BAS, Skopje, Macedonia; BAS Institute of Management, Bitola, Macedonia, ISBN 978-86-80194-15-8
with customers in order to improve it. Modern approaches and negotiating tactics are used.
The analytical part of the chapter defines concepts such as business negotiation,
communication process, business negotiator, customer and negotiating tactics. The application
part of the chapter interprets results of research on behavior of customers and sale
representative. To collect and analyze primary and secondary data, the questionnaire survey,
controlled interviews and observing were used including own experience of the author of the
chapter in communication with key customer during business negotiation. Proposals,
recommendations and measures to improve the current situation were submitted. This was
made in order to strengthen the current situation with customers/clients and to support creation
of new business partnership which is based on trust, loyalty, satisfaction and interest of newly
asked customers/clients who participate in the increase in demand on product/service.
negotiating tactics.
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