Ivaylo Ivanov – University of National and World Economy โ€“ Sofia, Studentski grad, โ€œ8-mi dekemvriโ€ blvd., 1700 Sofia,


DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/LIMEN.2019.43


5th International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2019 – Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Graz, Austria, December 12, 2019, published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade; Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-80194-26-4, ISSN 2683-6149, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/LIMEN.2019



The scale of production and export of defence-related and special production from Bulgaria has
increased steadily over recent years. The Export of this group of goods is expected to exceed the value of
โ‚ฌ1 billion at the end of 2019. The Bulgarian Defence Technological and Industrial Base (BDTIB) is making
a significant contribution to this process. The purpose of the author is to present summarized results of an
analysis of the challenges to the functioning and development of this important for the Bulgarian economy
industrial sector. From a practical point of view, the results of the analysis would be particularly useful
for decision-makers in the sector at the state and company level, researchers and other stakeholders. Significant
opportunities and risks to the BDTIB have also been outlined in two main directions. The first one
is related to the current situation on the specific and highly competitive international markets for defence
goods and services defined as very dynamic and rapidly changing. Bulgarian enterprises are forced to actively
compete for their presence in these markets without any state support. The second challenge ahead
of BDTIB is the dismal results of the overall process of modernizing the Bulgarian security sector. BDTIB
continues to seek its adequate role in the national modernization projects for the Bulgarian Armed Forces
and Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria. For all these reasons, the results of BDTIBโ€™s activities
in recent years have contributed indirectly to Bulgariaโ€™s national security.



Bulgaria, Economic development, Defence-related and special production export, National
modernization projects, Bulgarian Defence Industry Association.




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