Presently Dr. Mahir is a faculty member and assistant professor at Addis Ababa University School of Commerce. In total, Mahir has 12 years of experience in teaching, research, and business consultancy.
Β Mahir earned his first degree in Business Management in 2007. He got masters degree in Human Resource Management in 2011. Mahir completed his Ph.D. studies in business administration (management and organization as his concentration area) from Marmara University, Turkey in 2022. Β Moreover, Mahir currently is pursuing a master of art degree in education and advanced teaching at a California-based institution called the University of People.
Mahirβs research domains are organization behavior and strategic management and leadership.Β Particular research issues that Mahir has so far conducted are related to emotional labor, emotional intelligence, employee wellbeing, organizational culture, work alienation, counterproductive behavior, organizational justice, cyberloafing, strategy as practice, and telecommuting inter alia.