Participation in the conference took more than 250 researchers with the abstracts/papers representing 24 different countries from different universities, eminent faculties, scientific institutes, colleges, various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
Within publications from the LIMEN 2023 conference:
• 20 double peer-reviewed papers have been published in the Selected Papers – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2023,
• 55 double peer-reviewed papers have been published in the Conference Proceedings – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2023,
• 67 abstracts have been published in the Book of Abstracts – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2023.
Altogether LIMEN 2022 publications have more than 800 pages. All full papers have DOI numbers and ORCID iD integration.
LIMEN 2023 Selected Papers
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LIMEN 2023 Conference Proceedings
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LIMEN 2023 Book of Abstracts
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Participation in the conference took more than 100 researchers with the abstracts/papers representing 21 different countries from different universities, eminent faculties, scientific institutes, colleges, various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
Within publications from LIMEN 2022 conference:
• 10 double peer-reviewed papers have been published in the Selected Papers – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2022,
• 39 double peer-reviewed papers have been published in the Conference Proceedings – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2022,
• 61 abstracts have been published in the Book of Abstracts – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2022.
Altogether LIMEN 2022 publications have nearly 600 pages. All full papers have DOI numbers and ORCID iD integration.
LIMEN 2022 Selected Papers
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LIMEN 2022 Conference Proceedings
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LIMEN 2022 Book of Abstracts
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Participation in the conference took nearly 140 researchers with the abstracts/papers representing 16 different countries from different universities, eminent faculties, scientific institutes, colleges, various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
Within publications from LIMEN 2021 conference:
• 15 double peer-reviewed papers have been published in the Selected Papers – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2021,
• 39 double peer-reviewed papers have been published in the Conference Proceedings – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2021,
• 70 abstracts have been published in the Book of Abstracts – International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN 2021.
Altogether LIMEN 2021 publications have more than 600 pages. All full papers have DOI numbers and ORCID iD integration.
Participation in the conference took 159 researchers with the paper representing 26 different countries (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and United Arab Emirates), different universities, eminent faculties, scientific institutes, colleges, etc.
Within publications from LIMEN 2020 conference:
• 13 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN: Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – Selected Papers,
• 47 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN: Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – Conference Proceedings,
• 91 abstracts have been published in the International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN: Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – Book of Abstracts.
LIMEN 2020 publications have nearly 700 pages. All papers have been scanned with Crosscheck (powered by Turnitin) and have Orcid iD integration. Besides that, 17 papers have been accepted for publication in the conference partner journals.
Participation in the conference took 129 researchers with the paper representing 20 different countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Spain), different universities, eminent faculties, scientific institutes, colleges, etc.
Within publications from LIMEN 2019 conference:
• 20 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN: Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – Selected Papers,
• 24 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN: Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – Conference Proceedings,
• 31 abstracts have been published in the International Scientific-Business Conference LIMEN: Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – Book of Abstracts.
LIMEN 2019 publications have more than 380 pages. All papers have been scanned with Crosscheck (powered by Turnitin) and have Orcid iD integration. Besides that, 16 papers have been accepted for publication in the conference partner journals.

List of LIMEN 2019 papers accepted for publication in conference partner publications
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Participation in the conference took a total of 168 researchers with the paper representing:
- 18 different countries
- 47 different universities
- 34 eminent faculties
- 3 scientific institutes
- 10 colleges
- various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
In the Conference Proceedings of the LIMEN 2018 conference 82 double peer reviewed papers and 11 abstracts have been published on more than 600 pages.

LIMEN 2018 Conference Proceedings
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Participation in the conference took a total of 203 researchers with the paper representing:
- 21 different countries
- 52 different universities
- 44 eminent faculties
- 8 scientific institutes
- 14 colleges
- various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
In the Conference Proceedings of the LIMEN 2017 conference 97 double peer reviewed papers and 19 abstracts have been published on more than 800 pages.

LIMEN 2017 Conference Proceedings
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Faculty of Engineering Management – Belgrade, Modern Business School – Belgrade, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences – Novo Mesto, Slovenia, Faculty of Business Management and Informatics – Novo Mesto, Slovenia, Business Academy Smilevski – BAS, Skopje, Macedonia, BAS Institute of Management, Bitola, Macedonia and Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans headquartered in Belgrade – Serbia – have recognized the problem that nowadays exists in most modern organizations: so much management and too little of leadership; so they organized Second International Scientific-Business Conference titled: Leadership and Management: Integrated Politics of Research and Innovations – LIMEN 2016 in Belgrade on December 15, 2016 at the Hotel Moskva.
The conference was opened by: Prof. dr Karmen Erjavec, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Business Management and Informatics – Novo Mesto, Slovenia; Prof. dr Vladimir Tomašević, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Management – Belgrade and a member of the Scientific Committee of the conference, Prof. dr Goran Dašić, Assistant Director of the Modern Business School from Belgrade and a member of the Scientific Committee of the conference and Uroš Mirčević, President of the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.
Participation in the conference took a total of 192 researchers with the paper representing:
- 16 different countries (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey)
- 36 different universities
- 37 eminent faculties
- 5 scientific institutes
- 9 colleges
- various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
In the Conference Proceedings of the LIMEN 2016 conference 97 papers have been published on more than 800 pages.

LIMEN 2016 Conference Proceedings
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The organizers of the LIMEN 2015 conference – Faculty of Engineering Management – Belgrade, Modern Business School – Belgrade, Faculty of Business and Management Studies Novo Mesto, Slovenia, Business Academy Smilevski – BAS, Skopje, Macedonia, BAS Institute of Management, Bitola, Macedonia and Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans – have recognized the problem that nowadays exists in most modern organizations: so much management and too little of leadership; so they, with the support of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia organized regional scientific-business conference titled: Leadership and Management: Government, Enterprise, Entrepreneur – LIMEN 2015 in Belgrade on December 10, 2015 at the Excelsior Hotel.
Participation in the conference took a total of 169 researchers – 77 from Serbia and 92 from abroad representing:
- 14 different countries
- 39 different universities
- 38 eminent faculties
- two scientific institutes
- 8 colleges
- various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
In the Conference Proceedings of the LIMEN 2015 conference as much as 95 papers have been published on more than 750 pages.