Es-safi Nour Eddine – Ibn Tofail University, Sciences Faculty, 14000 Kรฉnitra, BP, 1065, Morocco

Rachidi Abdelhaqย  – Ibn Tofail University, Sciences Faculty, 14000 Kรฉnitra, BP, 1065, Morocco

Food security;
Green Generation;
Green Morocco Plan;
Management of natural
Rural population;
Sustainable agriculture;
Useful agricultural area


Abstract: This study allows the strengthing capacities and skills of actors, via Green Strategies. Sustainable agriculture plays an important role in imยญproving the standard of living of the rural population and it is central in the management of natural resources, in order to set up sustainable developยญment. In this context, it is necessary to prepare specialists capable of supยญporting the policies adopted by the Green Strategies; Green Morocco Plan (2008-2020) (Mapmdref, 2008) and Green Generation (2020-2030) (Mapmยญdref, 2020), in terms of quality, food security, water saving and environmenยญtal protection. Indeed, agriculture provides 45% of national employment, generates more than 65% of the income of rural households, and enhances 8.7 million ha of Useful Agricultural Area, of which 18% is irrigated. By green strategy, apart from edible oil, a good coverage ratio has been reached with sugar production at 62%, milk/meat at 70%, cereal products at 70%, and vegetables/fruits at around 100%.

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LIMEN Conference

9th International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2023 – Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research – CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Hybrid (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria), December 7, 2023

LIMEN Conference Proceedings published by the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia

LIMEN Conference 2023 Conference Proceedings: ISBN 978-86-80194-78-3, ISSN 2683-6149, DOI:

Creative Commons Nonย Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission.ย 

Suggested citation

Es-safi, N. E., & Rachidi, A. (2023). Sustainable Agriculture and Development in Morocco. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2023: Vol 9. Conference Proceedings (pp. 209-218). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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